3 minutes, 8 Megs....
This movie wasent very ling, adding up all the scenes, there is no need for it to be 8 megs. should only be tops 1.5 megs.
sprites, i like ichigos sprite from Jump, Links sprite are discusting. The background was awfull. the graphics of sprites can be good, but in this movie. nope. 4
wow. Link vs someone again. At least this time its Ichigo. somehting new. 3
- Sound -
midis sound like shit. only 1 sound effect. 0
-Violence -
lots of slashing and dashing. not no blood, but nice stabs in the chest. 8
- Iteractivity -
scene selection. nice, could be a bit mroe colourful. 4
None. but it not supose to be funny anway. 0
-Finishing Comment -
Reduce the file size. your animation skills are fairly low, keep practising and u'll get better.