The Chosen One is a short 3D film I made for my final year of study at AIE.
I haven't really tried to showcase the piece on the internet, but i'm going to give it a shot. I would like everyone to please follow the link below to check out The Chosen One on youtube. Please watch and rate it, it runs for about 2 minutes. 0GnI
cant wait to make stuff like that.
but still learning the ropes of 3ds max 2010 >_>
anyways it was great but my akeeles heel in 3d is envelopes in rigging he characters i have. how do you do your enveloping so well?
D-SuN (Updated )
Enveloping is such a pain. It's hard and annoying for everyone. I actually don't use the envelopes and go straight into vertex selecting, I can't remember exactly what it's called, but in the skin modifier, theres some stuff you click and it lets you select the vertexes and set the weights manually. I do that.
Edit: or vertex weight painting. Google that, that's pretty sweet too.