Your seriously complaining because you got front page for 3 days.
Granted, your movie was, in my opinion, wayyyy better then all of the SMBZ combined, but still, there are alot of movies that dont get exposure, and are as just as good as yours. So the fact that you got front paged, for however little time it was means that a site admin liked it enough to put it there.
Btw, as im writing this, its on the front page. So maybe they were just reorganizing it? Or maybe your whining put it back there =).
P.S. Power Star 4 was great, but 4.5 takes the cake.
i can feel your anger, or frustration whatever it is i can feel it as well.
Cha0szero and i work as much as we can on Sonic Next and some people say it's like Super Smash Bros Z, all i can think is: HELL NO, we work hard for it to be unique and you go comparing it to his work? he made one decent series and now it's "the best thing ever" i can't stand i just can't, anyway i'm sorry if i made a short rant. it's just that it makes me so mad too and i thought speaking with someone that understands like us could make me feel and better.